Today I will be working on the new ADAHRS stiffener for the Dynon Skyview. It goes in the tail cone of the RV-12 airplane just infront of the AHARS modual. Also this the day I choice to work on the SB 13-12-12 or sealing the avionics bay on the RV-12.
Reference: Page 42C-09:
Step 1: Counting from the aft most rivet remove the tenth rivet from the F-1283C J Stiffener. then cleco the stiffener to the J Stiffener wehere the rivet was just removed.
Step 2: Align the ADAHRS Stiffener perpendiculary to the J-Stiffener.
Step 3: Match-Drill #30 the holes in the Stiffener into the Top Skin . Deburr all of the holes.
Step 4: Blind rivet the ADAHRS Stiffener to the J_Stiffener and Top Skin from outside of the fuselage.
This completes Page 42C-09 and the installation of the ADAHRS Stiffener.
Reference: SB 13-12-12
Step 1. Remove, if/as required, the F-1240 Upper Forward Fuselage Skin and apply a release agent to the area of the F-1240 which mates to the F-1201H Upper Fwd Fuse Doubler.
Builder's note: I put aluminum tape (electrical would have been better) on the openings on the sides panels so I could seal these as well.
Step 2. Apply approx. 1/16 diameter bead of sealant (see above) to the entire length of the F-1201H Upper Fwd Fuse Doubler.
Builder's note: The service bulletin calls out using Black silicon or equilvalent. So I used fuel sealant with good results.
Step 3. Install (or re-install) the F-1240 Upper Forward Fuselage Skin and allow sealant to cure.
During this time I also sealed the steps to the fuselage.
That's it for today's work on the RV-12 airplane by Van's Aircraft.