Friday, November 15, 2013

Vans Aircraft RV-12 Airplane Build, Section 42D: Skyview Update (part 5)

Reference: Pages 42D-22, 42D-23; 2.75 hours

This entry will complete most of the wiring update for the Dynon Skyview EFIS in the RV12 airplane. At least the fuselage wiring. The second half of this entry shift focus to the wing wiring connectors on the RV12 aircraft.

Step 1: Find the WH-350 (WHT) Power Outlet Wire coming from the WH-00026 RV-12 Option Conversion Harness previously routed through the F-1203A Bulkhead. Strip the routed end of the wire and crimp on a spade connector. Tie-Wrap the WH-P350 to itself as shown on page 42D-22 of the RV12 airplane plans.

Step 2: (NA ) Using page 31-10 and Section 45 as a guide remove the WH-B148 power outlet wire.

Builder's note: I never installed this wire as I had already planned to go to the Skyview EFIS system.

Step 3: The WH-P440 (ORN/BLK Audio Power wire coming from the WH-00026 RV-12 Option Conversion Harness splits near the F-1203A Bulkhead into the shorter WH-P600 (ORN/BLK) wire and longer WH-601 (ORN/BLK) wire. The split in the wire needs to be located between the F-1202F Bulkhead and the F-1203A Bulkhead. Route the longer wire to teh right side of the Fuselage through the snap bushings in the Seat ribs. Route the shorter wire to the left side opening. Cover the ends of each wire with heat shrink then tie-wrap them to the headset jacks. See page 31-10.

This completes page 42D-22.

Reference: page 42D-23

Builder's note: This page in the instructions says this page is intended for builders who have completed the steps marked D-180 in Section 31A ... It is true steps 1 and 2 didn't apply but step 3 was important!

Step 3: Find the WH-L439 (YEL/RED) But mine was white!!! Nav Power Wire coming from the WH-00026 RV-12 Option Conversion Harness previously routed.

The nav power wire splits mear the F-1203A bulkhead into the shorter WH-L456(YEL/RED) (This wire was WHITE also!!!) and longer WH-L458 (YEL/RED) (Actually WHITE) wire. The split in the wire needs to be located between the F-1202F Bulkhead and the F-1203A Bulkhead.

Route the longer wire to the right side Fuselage Side Cover opening through the snap bushings in the Seat ribs. Route the shorter wire to the left side opening. Crimp a ES-00079 Floating Connector Pin 16-20 AWG on the end of each wire then insert them into position 6 on the floating 8 position connectors.

This completes page 42D-23. Now the focus of the wiring shifts to installing the new wing wring connectors. This is covered in Section 31A and is the other entry for the day.

Reference: 31A-07