Monday, June 6, 2011

Vans Aircraft RV-12 Build, Section 15: Wing Ribs (part 5)

Reference: pages 15-03, 15-04; 2.5 hours

With the deburring of the wing ribs behind me, I feel like I am getting some traction on building the wings of the RV-12. In working through these steps it is important to make sure the correct rib is being use.

Step 4: Cleco the W-1210B-L Rib Doubler to one of the six trimmed W-1210-L Main Ribs. Match-drill #30 the trimmed main rib using the rib doubler as a drill guide. Uncleco the main rib and rib doubler. Deburr.

Step 5: Select one of the W-1210-R Main Ribs and cleco the W-1210B-R Doubler. Match-drill #30 the trimmed main rib using the rib doubler as a drill guide. Remove the celcos and rib doubler. Deburr.

Step 6: Select two of the W-1210-R Main Ribs and cleco one of them to the W-1216 Hinge Bracket Assembly and W-1216B-L Hinge Rib. Match-Drill #30. Repeat for the second main rib. Remove clecos, flaperon hinge brackets and hinge ribs. Deburr.

Step 7: Select one of the forward flange trimmed W-1210-L Main Ribs and one of the unmodified left main ribs and cleco each to a W-12189 Hinge Bracket Assembly and W-1216B-R Hinge Rib. Match-Drill #30. Remove clecos and Hinge Bracket Assemblies. Deburr.

When all is said and done they should look like the picture below.

Step 8: Rivet the W-1210B-L Rib Doubler to the match-drilled W-1210-L Main Rib.

Step 9: Rivet the W-1210B-R Rib Doubler to the match-drilled W-1210-R Main Rib.

This completes page 15-03.

Reference page 15-04, Step 1: Lay the W-1206-L Spar Assembly on the work surface with the flanges facing up. Select one of the W-1210-R Main Ribs and cleco the rivet to the furthest outboard attach angle on the spar assembly.

Step 2: Take one W-1210-R Main Rib which was match-drilled to the W-1216B-L hinge Rib and cleco then rivet to the next inboard attach angle on the Spar Assembly.

Step 3: Select four more of the W-1210-R Main Ribs and cleco then rivet to the next inboard attach angles on the Spar Assembly.

Step 4: Cleco then rivet the remaining W-1210-R Main Rib which was match-drilled to the W-1216B-L Hinge Rib to the next inboard attach angle on the Left Spar Assembly.

It truly amazing how easy it is to use blind rivet compared to driven rivets. While building the RV-10 I remember spending an hour or more driving just a few of the more difficult rivets. With the RV-12 it just set the rivet and pull the trigger!