Working on the RV-12 today I notice there was no indication for the Elevator trim. And no mention of calibrating it in the plans. Looking at the Dynon guide there was a brief statement about calibrating it.
So following the setup wizard in the hardware calibration menu I set the calibration up but didn't set a take off mark as I have no idea were it will need to go.
First conditioned the brake pads per Matco brake instruction. Then came the time to warm the engine up and do a full power run up at operating temperature. My max rpm was 5100 rpm with the prop set at 71.4 degrees. This is too high and out of range. So I added 0.3 degree of coarseness to the pitch and reran it. This time I had 5010 rpm which is in the acceptable range. During this process I also went out to the compass rose and calibrated the magnetometer.
After removing the cowl and inspecting the engine I found some wear on the cowl from an exhaust spring. So I rotated the spring 180 degrees and put some RTV on it. Also put a aluminum foil patch over the wear. If this doesn't solve the problem I will need to reform a deeper impression in the fiberglass.

Removed the gascolator and cleaned the screen. Then Safety wired it back in place.
Next came the mapping of the fuel gauge. Sorry no pictures. Basically I pumped the system dry and then added 2 gallon at a time and told the EFIS system of each addition. Then at 4 gallons I also checked that the "NO FLY" indicator was in the correct spot in the mechanic fuel gauge. After that continue adding fuel up to 16 gallons were the electric gauge won't read any fuller. Followed the guide lines in the RV-12 Acceptance Procedures as it is required to roll the plane up on blocks and then off at certain time in the process.
8/13/15: Closing thought: I received word from Gary Brown the FAA accepted my paperwork and we scheduled for the inspection. Also I am schedule at the end of the month for transition training with Mike Seager. This project is finally winding down after 4 and a half years.